Getting Results
Tax Audits
Are you being audited by the Internal Revenue Service, Franchise Tax Board, California Department of Tax and Fee Administration, Employment Development Department, State Income Tax units, State Excise Tax, or State Sales Tax? Take a deep breath. You are about to embark on a journey which can be incredibly frustrating, time consuming and demoralizing. You may feel a total loss of control. Worse yet, your case may be referred to criminal investigations for criminal prosecution.
However, this does not mean you should be pushed around. Every taxpayer has rights and your rights need to be protected. Be firm with any tax auditor regarding your rights but always behave in a professional and courteous manner.

The key in dealing with any tax audit is to organize, organize and organize. Start collecting all relevant income and expense records and properly categorize them so that you can argue your side of the story. If you don’t have the back up records, do the best you can to piece together your position on the income or expense schedules.
Our Los Angeles, California tax audit attorneys have great record of achieving successful audit representation for our clients. Many of clients have obtained a minimal payment or “no change” status on their audits. No change status means that you owe nothing to the taxing agency. In some cases, we have even obtain tax refunds for our audit clients.
Tax audits can be risky but it is also an opportunity. Be prepared, organize, present your case and protect your rights. Hopefully, the government may wind up owing money back to you. If you need us to review your case or prepare you for the audit contact us by e-mail or by telephone at (888) 553-8000.